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Reiki Master Healing

Using my life force energy to heal others.

  • 45 minutes
  • 111.11 US dollars
  • Online Session

Service Description

Reiki is an energy-healing practice that is considered safe with no side effects. Under the notion that the body is more than a physical entity, Reiki focuses on all aspects of being including mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. If you want to promote a positive mindset and overall happy lifestyle, you should learn more about Reiki. The holistic medicine can help heal your body from physical illnesses to mental conditions. The word can be broken down into two meanings. “Rei” means God’s wisdom or higher power. “Ki” is the life force energy. When combined, Reiki is the spiritually guided life force energy. What Happens During a Reiki Session? It depends on your specific condition, but it might seem similar to other sessions you have with alternative healing doctors such as acupuncturists or chiropractors. You lie on a table fully clothed for up to an hour. Most treatment rooms play soft music to create a peaceful atmosphere. This session can be done via phone/videochat as well. During the session, you might become so relaxed that you fall asleep. During treatment, you might be able to feel energy being unblocked. Some people even experience a warm, glowing energy whereas other people simply have an overall feeling of relaxation. No, Reiki does not come from any religion nor is it a religious practice. However, it does aim to help you spiritually as well as physically, mentally, and emotionally. You do not need to belong to any specific church to benefit from the positive healing benefits of Reiki. Reiki can help you spiritually by connecting you with your inner-self, which can. help guide through life and give you clarity when faced with challenges or decisions. Thank you for choosing me to assist you in your healing process .

Cancellation Policy

If you cancel no return will be issued I have the right to refuse service to whomever I like.

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